Sandbox Testing Problems (StoreKit works fine)

I have a problem with submitting my app to the AppStore. I have an app in the AppStore with currently OneTime Purchase. Now I want to add an InApp purchase to this app.

I have tested the app with a local StoreKit file (with synchronised AppStore In App Products) and everything works fine. But when I submitted this file to the store, it was not accepted. So I found out that I need to remove the local StoreKit file so that it uses the real AppStore data.

But my problem is, once I remove the StoreKit file, my purchase process gets stuck in the transaction process. So when I click on the in-app purchase button, I get the payment overlay and everything about the in-app purchase is displayed there. Name, price, details. Also a sandbox title says I am not in production.

As soon as I click on the "Buy" button, I have to log in with my sandbox user account that I have previously created in AppStore connect and also verify the email address by clicking on the link in the e-mail. Then the confirmation tone sounds, but after 4-5 seconds the overlay appears again (and again and again). The transaction remains in "in progress" status.

My question now, since everything worked fine with StoreKit? What could be the problem. I need to submit a new appVersion (which I am working on) with my first new in-app purchase. Could it be that the payment process is not working because the IAP is still in "under review" or "submitted for review"? Where could be a difference that StoreKit IAP works just fine, but sandbox does not work.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Please file a ticket in Feedback Assistant ( with a sysdiagnose and the email of the sandbox tester, and post the FB number here.

Sandbox Testing Problems (StoreKit works fine)